Serious reading, on whatever platform or in whatever form, has its place in the advance of human civilization. 深入阅读,无论是通过哪种平台或者形式,都在人类文明发展史上扮演着不可或缺的地位。
If the book does well, you could have a cash cow on your hands in the form of royalties and advance checks. 如果书写得好,稿酬、支票都会来,你就有了一棵摇钱树。
To secure a reservation requires submitting a signed credit card authorization form at least ten days in advance, with the applicable condition that no refund is possible once the reservation is confirmed. 若要确保预定,还要提前十天签署并提交一份信用卡授权表,承诺一旦预定,概不退费。
At present we must combat subjectivism, not only in the form of rash advance but also in the form of conservatism. 我们现在要反对主观主义,既反对盲目冒进的主观主义,也反对保守的主观主义。
With the mere understanding, thinking is limited to the form of an abstract universal, and can never advance to the particularization of this universal. 那单纯抽象的知性思维局限在抽象共相的形式里,不能进展到对这种共相的特殊化。
Please complete the Exit Form in advance which you need to submit when getting through the international departure procedures. 办理边检出境手续时需填妥出境登记卡,建议提前填妥。
A clean and competent government can hardly be achieved in one day, where concept of anti-bribery and anti-corruption should be rooted in mind for the public and form a common social value in advance. 一个廉洁而有效能的政府并非一蹴可几,首先要将贪污、收贿是错误的观念根深蒂固地深植人心,成为社会共同的价值。
This paper analyzes the basic form and factor for extrusion mould, advance us to increase the using life of extrusion mould from different way. 本文分析挤压模失效的基本形式及因素,从不同的方面提出了提高挤压模使用寿命的具体措施。
Set up the Rational Electricity Price Form Mechanism to Advance the Reform of Electricity Price Steadily 建立合理电价形成机制稳步推进电价改革
This kind of ideal and realistic contradiction sport, form the human morals activity, promote mankind to advance to the kind direction, make each individual self-perfect constantly too constantly, distil oneself. 这种应然与实然、理想与现实的矛盾运动,构成了人类的道德活动,不断推动人类向至善方向前进,也使每个个体不断自我完善,自我升华。
Compared with straight blades, the new shape of blades with backward crooked elbow are helpful to improve the stability of flow field and form whole stream easily, also beneficial to advance the classification accuracy and classification efficiency; 同直叶片形状相比较,带后弯导板的叶片,有利于改善流场的稳定性,流场容易形成整体流,对提高分级效率和分级精度都非常有利;
Technology spillover, a specific form of the inter-industry transfer and diffusion of technological advance, is the most crucial to economic growth and industry development. 技术溢出作为技术进步在产业间转移和扩散的一种特定形式,其对于经济增长和产业发展来说是至关重要的。
Construct corporate culture according to the direction of socialistic culture is beneficial to form advance value view and corporate spirit, helpful to strengthen personnel's centripetal force and agglomeration, favorable to keep hearty energy and standing competitive force. 按照社会主义文化前进的方向建设企业文化,有利于形成先进的企业价值观和企业精神,有助于员工向心力、凝聚力的不断增强,有助于企业始终保持旺盛的活力和持续的竞争力。
Northeast han folk song is not only a music form of highly advance and great artistic attainment, but also the basic of other han folk musical forms developed in northeast. 东北汉族民歌不但本身是一种发展比较成熟,艺术造诣比较高的音乐形式,而且是其它东北汉族民间音乐形式发展的基础。
Throughout the discussion the Hamiltonians are not demanded to be of normal-product form in advance. 在整个讨论过程中,无需假定哈密顿算符已是正规乘积形式。
So, our country should perfect the present social security system, make it meet need of flexible employment form development, and bring about an advance in economy stability. 因此,我国应该尽快采取相应的措施来完善当前的社会保障体系,使其适应灵活多样的就业形式发展的需要,缓解社会压力,促进经济的稳定发展。
With the positioning from the perspective of the economic globalization, it can be initiated from the reform of the system and mechanism. The development of enterprises may bring about the growth of the regional economy, form the scaled effect and advance economy and society coordinately. 用经济全球化的眼光准确定位,从改变体制和机制入手,通过企业振兴带动区域经济发展,形成规模效应,促进经济和社会协调发展。
So, the study on the problem of educational function can promote people's cognition on education, form the sound view of educational function, and advance development of the society as well as human. 因此,深入探讨教育功能问题,可以提高人们对教育这一培养人的社会活动的认识,形成正确的教育功能观,从而促进社会和人的发展。
By questionaire and on-the-spot statistics, the assessment form is examined, which is designed in advance. 通过问卷调查与临场统计相结合的方法,对预先设计好的评定表格进行检验。
The development of Port Logistics Park, not only can enhance port hub node status and improve competitive power of port, but also can form the industrial cluster and advance the process of urbanization. 港口物流园区的发展,不仅能增强港口的枢纽节点地位,提高港口竞争力,同时能够形成产业集聚,推进城市化进程。
The technology advance is the most important and active substantial power to enhance economy growth and development. Technology Spillovers ( TS) accompanied with the development of technology, a specific form of the diffusion of technological advance, is more important to economic growth. 技术是经济增长和发展最重要、最活跃的物质力量。伴随技术进步产生的技术溢出作为技术进步转移和扩散的一种特定形式,对经济增长来说是具有重要意义。
National Tobacco Monopoly Bureau starts "flexible manufacture system facing the grouping processing and the order form production" technical project, advance powerfully the development advancement of "Chinese type cigarette". 国家烟草专卖局启动面向分组加工及订单生产的柔性制造系统重点科技攻关招标项目,有力推进了中式卷烟研制进程。
Among them, teachers 'peer coaching is considered as the leading form and effective means to advance teachers' professional development. 其中,教师同伴互助被认为是园本教研中最主要的形式,是促进教师专业发展的有效手段。
It helps us to grapple with into the watercolor landscapes of this magical area. When we try to understand a kind of art is like art or historical facts, we can form some of the views, and continue to advance on the basis of our predecessors. 它有助于我们真切地走进水彩风景画这一神奇的领域,当我们尽量地了解了某种艺术现像或是艺术史实之后,我们才可以形成某些观点,并在前人的基础上继续前进。
In the newly economy era, technology spillover, a specific form of the inter-industry transfer and diffusion of technological advance, is increasingly playing an important role in the industrial competition and development. 在新经济时代,技术溢出作为技术进步在集聚内部转移和扩散的特定形式,正日益成为企业竞争和产业发展的重要因素。
From the aspect of Knowledge Representation, we adopt an ontology-based method, which is to represent the system knowledge in the form of conception and formalization, to advance the cooperation of heterogeneous systems and prompt the communion of the system knowledge. 在知识表示方面,采用基于本体的知识表示方法,以一种概念化、形式化的方式来表示系统知识,提高异构系统之间的互操作性,促进知识共享。
To avoid the disadvantage caused by setting functional form in advance, we use the logarithm function model to accurately estimate them. 为避免已有研究因提前设定函数形式可能产生估计有误的不足,我们采用超越对数成本函数进行了较准确估计。
Short-term load forecasting is the daily power load forecasting which form 1 day or 1 week in advance. The key issues of power Load forecasting is the technical problems and mathematical modeling problems of the forecasting. 短期负荷预测是指提前1天至1周内的日负荷预测,其核心问题是预测模型的建模问题。
But as a form of cultural, aerobics can advance socialization of people, enjoy people and satisfy the need of healthy and happiness. 但大众健美操作为一种文化形态,对人的社会化也有积极的促进作用,为人们带来享受,满足现代人越来越强烈的身心需求。
Orthogonal Optimization Method is a test method with a special form& orthogonal in advance, then analysis of experimental data. 所谓正交设计,就是利用事先制好的特殊表格&正交表来科学地安排试验,并进行试验数据分析的一种方法。